Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Oil and Gas Management ExxonMobil
Question: Depict about oil and gas the board, the executives structure of ExxonMobil, jobs and duties of two divisions in ExxonMobil, how the Company is adding to the nearby network. Answer: Oil and Gas Management Viable administration of support forms is crucial for the drawn out endurance of an organization in the oil and gas industry. Vitality issues have consistently been a plan in worldwide monetary just as a geopolitics motivation. For a company to cruise through powerful business condition, it requires productive administration structures and division work and specialization in its diverse specialty units just as divisions. Organizations have a social duty to the networks where they exist. The oil and gas industry is additionally subject changing business condition as a result of market variances. Besides, the industry is likewise dependent upon rivalry. The size of an enterprise additionally requires a strong administration structure. The angle is fundamental for successful administration of all specialty units. Oil and gas are utilized for family unit utilization, for example, cooking and warming. The focal point of this paper is to portray ExxonMobils the executives structure, charac terize any two obligations inside the companys divisions, and talk about how the organization adds to the neighborhood network. The executives Structure of ExxonMobil The partnership utilizes an authoritative structure based on eleven separate worldwide organizations. The company has a 19-part board group that incorporates six from Mobil and thirteen individuals from its Exxon board. ExxonMobil has five significant upstream organizations that manage investigation, creation, advancement, upstream research and gas advertising that is headquartered in Houston. It additionally has four downstream organizations entrusted with fuel showcasing, oil and oil masters, research and building, refining, and gracefully that have its central station in Virginia. The companys senior administration is included an executive and bad habit administrator and four senior VPs. Further, the administration blend involves people picked from Exxon and Mobil before the merger (Learn about ExxonMobil's administration, 2016). The ExxonMobil leading body of the board is made out of thirteen non-representative executives and six who are workers on the senior supervisory crew. The thirteen non-representative executives have nine individuals from Exxon while four of its individuals are from the Mobil Board. The compound and coal mineral organizations and the upstream organizations report to the VPs. A few Corporate staff divisions and administration bunches report to the VPs as well (Learn about ExxonMobil's administration, 2016). Also, the Chief Executive Officer is the leader of the Legal, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources and Brand and Communications offices. Inward Communications report to the Brand and Communication division. Under the Finance division, there is the Exploration Finance, Investor Relations, Foundation, Control, Tax, Treasury, and Strategic Planning dockets. The Human Resource Department is accountable for Recruitment, Compensation, Training, and Human Resource creation. ExxonMobil Legal Department is served by three dockets liable for overseeing legitimate administrations (Learn about ExxonMobil's administration, 2016). ExxonMobil the board structure is likewise involved 10 center organizations that supervise singular organizations comprehensively. For instance, the ExxonMobil Global administrations give combined support through offices, information administrations, and acquisition. In addition, the association is included different organizations that grant the enterprise to establish urgencies on a universal premise. The company has treatment facility tasks arranged in 26 nations and 42,000 retail administration stations in excess of 100 nations. It likewise advertises its petrochemicals to a gauge of 150 nations (Learn about ExxonMobil's administration, 2016). Jobs and Responsibilities of two divisions in ExxonMobil ExxonMobil is made of four divisions entrusted with significant tasks of the organization. The four divisions incorporate Upstream, Chemical, Downstream, Natural, and Power Marketing. The organization utilizes its worldwide establishment advantage for investigate and use a wide range of asset. Investigation of every one of its assets is done paying little heed to the detail of topographical and geological situations with cutting edge innovative progression and capacities. The organization embraces extends that are capital serious and have extraordinary activity multifaceted nature. Every one of its activities are made with respect to the enterprises one of a kind geoscience abilities just as their appreciation of worldwide hydrocarbon gift for the recognizable proof and prioritization all things considered (Learn about ExxonMobil's Business divisions, 2016). The job of the upstream division is to concentrate on the forceful investigation of potential assets and distinguish all asset types. The Division is required to direct its tasks in a proficient way and to guarantee that the earth is rationed from hurt. The endeavor is made conceivable by utilizing industry-driving innovation. Another job of the division is to flexibly industry noticeable undertaking usage in an arrangement of various possibilities that envelop traditional shale and tight gas, substantial oil and condensed petroleum gas. Moreover, the division is liable for concentrating on safe activities constant improvement repository the executives and the use of proficient creation rehearses. It is answerable for catching alluring amounts of oil and gas at both new and develop oil fields with the utilization of experienced and applied innovation. It is additionally liable for progressing seismic imaging, store incitement, office structure and penetrating in investigating already unidentified or inaccessible stores (Learn about ExxonMobil's Business divisions, 2016). Another division of the organization is Downstream. The organization recognizes the need to fulfill the market with fuel and oil items that are instrumental in encouraging worldwide improvement exercises. It recognizes that oil based goods are basic in different parts of financial exercises. Being the biggest purifier on the planet the vast majority of its treatment facility limit is coordinated with its ointments or concoction organizations. The essential job of this division is to refine and convey items that are acquired from raw petroleum and different feedstocks (Learn about ExxonMobil's Business divisions, 2016). The Corporation has a worldwide system of assembling plants, circulation, and transport frameworks that attention on giving powers ointment and other high-esteem items to its shoppers. This division is answerable for guaranteeing a solid conveyance coordinate with a vigorous gracefully of the companys items. It is likewise answerable for making a drawn out estimation of the organization by the arrangement of top notch items and administrations to its clients. Furthermore, this division additionally advertises fuel to its buyers through its retail administration stations just as three set up business-to-business sections. These areas are Industrial and Wholesale Fuels, Aviation fills and greases just as Marine energizes and lubes. The division is composed to work the assembling and offer of oil based commodities just as petrochemicals (Learn about ExxonMobil's Business divisions, 2016). Besides, the division is likewise entrusted with thinking of situating systems for the organization to convey long haul development in investor esteem. Furthermore, it is entrusted with specifically contributing endeavors that are versatile, beneficial in returns, and driving in industry effectiveness in giving quality items to customers. (Find out about ExxonMobil's Business divisions, 2016). How the Company is adding to the Local Community. ExxonMobil adds to the nearby network through ExxonMobil Foundation that is its essential altruistic arm. The vital focal point of the Foundation is to help instruction with stress and unmistakable quality on science and math inside the United States. It likewise advances ladies as facilitators of monetary advancement and battle to end passings that are brought about by jungle fever. In the year 2014, the Company, its divisions, accomplices, workers, retirees and the ExxonMobil Foundation made commitments that totalled to $272 million all inclusive. It ought to be noticed that the humanitarian arm of the partnership was established in 1955 and was known as the Esso Education Foundation. It was then changed to ExxonMobil Foundation in the year 2000 after the merger that was made Mobil Corporation and Exxon Corporation (Learn about the ExxonMobil Foundation, 2016). The organization has seen the staggering impacts of Malaria in Africa by goodness of being a business and a financial specialist in the mainland. Intestinal sickness slaughters a large number of people every year with most of the casualties being youngsters younger than five years. This event brings about the loss of profitability for the landmass. The organization is a piece of a worldwide exertion to forestall, treat, and fix the illness. One of the manners by which the association uses to help the reason is through Education and Capacity building crucial data about anticipation and treatment is utilized to assemble limit among wellbeing laborers that advise strategies planned for ensuring powerless networks. The organization additionally underpins the up and coming age of worldwide wellbeing pioneers to manage intestinal sickness just as different ailments by utilizing grants and preparing openings. ExxonMobil monetarily bolsters crafted by specialists who are centered around crea ting antimalarial obstruction, immunizations, and medications. It likewise gives families apparatuses to forestall analyze and treat intestinal sickness (Learn about the ExxonMobil Foundation, 2016). The organization puts a solid significance on training to enable social orders. It hence builds the reason for human proficiency improvement. The principle reason with respect to why ExxonMobil centers around math and science is that these subjects are
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
How Long Does Dexedrine Stay in Your System
How Long Does Dexedrine Stay in Your System Addiction Drug Use Prescription Medications Print How Long Does Dexedrine Stay in Your System? Detection of Common ADHD Drug Depends on Many Variables By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 11, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 22, 2019 FatCamera / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Prescription Medications Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery The length of time that Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine), a commonly prescribed medicine for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), remains in your body can vary from one day to three months. The period may depend on each individuals metabolism, body mass, age, hydration level, physical activity, and health conditions. Generally, the drug remains in urine, blood, and saliva for up to two days. It can be detected in hair follicles for as long as three months. Timetable for Detecting Dexedrine Urine, blood, and saliva recycle through your system quickly. Hair follicles act like the rings on a tree trunk that record the seasons. Your hair can store metabolites or a molecular history of what your body has ingested over time. Type of Test Detection Window Urine Detectable for 1 to 2 days Blood Detectable for 1 to 2 days Saliva Detectable for 1 to 2 days Hair Follicle Detectable for up to 90 days What Is Dexedrine? Dexedrine is a central nervous system stimulant and type of amphetamine, also known by the brands Dextrostat and ProCentra. Dexedrine is used as part of a treatment program to control symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and children. It is also used to treat narcolepsy. Dexedrine works by making certain brain chemicals last longer in the parts of the brain that control attention and alertness. By making these areas more active, the drugs can help a person focus their attention. Surprisingly, stimulants can help calm a person with ADHD. Why Its Important to Take Dexedrine as Prescribed It is important to know how long Dexedrine remains in the system because taking too much can have negative consequences. The product comes with a warning that it can be habit-forming so it should not be taken in larger doses or for a longer time than prescribed. Although prescription stimulants have been shown to be relatively safe and effective in managing the symptoms, there exists a significant potential for misuse. Studies show that individuals with and without ADHD misuse stimulants to enhance performance. Although stimulants may improve an individuals performance when given a rote-learning task, they do not improve IQ or work as a smart pill. People who use the medication may be tempted to take larger amounts of Dexedrine than prescribed to further control symptoms, however, this can have negative effects. These negative effects include difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, irritability, hyperactivity, or changes in personality or behavior. How Long Does It Take for ADHD Medication to Work? Symptoms of Dexedrine Overdose If you suspect someone is suffering from a Dexedrine overdose, seek immediate medical attention or call 9-1-1. Symptoms of Dexedrine overdose may include the following: VomitingAgitationUncontrollable shaking of a part of the bodyMuscle twitchingSeizuresLoss of consciousnessInappropriate happinessConfusionHallucinatingSweatingFlushingHeadacheFeverFast, pounding, or irregular heartbeatWidening of pupilsDry mouth or nose Heart Attack or Sudden Death Overusing Dexedrine can also cause serious heart problems or sudden death in children, teenagers, and adults, especially those with heart defects or serious heart problems. Additionally, Dexedrine has been known to cause stroke in adults. Managing Side Effects of ADHD Medications
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Definition and Examples of Common Case in English
In English grammar, common case is the ordinary base form of a nounâ€â€such as a cat, moon, house. Nouns in English have only one case inflection: the possessive (or genitive). The case of nouns other than the possessive is regarded as the common case. (In English, the forms of the subjective [or nominative] case and the objective [or accusative] case are identical.) See Examples and Observations below. Also, see: CaseInflectionNotes on Nouns Examples and Observations The one thing that doesnt abide by majority rule is a persons conscience.(Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, 1960)A mans character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation.(Mark Twain)Peoples backyards are much more interesting than their front gardens, and houses that back on to railways are public benefactors.(John Betjeman)Common Case and Possessive CaseNouns such as man inflect not only for number but also for the distinction between genitive case and common case. The uninflected form man is in the common case. By contrast, in the mans hat, mans is said to be in the genitive (or possessive) case. The term case is a traditional term in the description of classical languages, where it is a topic of much greater complexity than it is in English. For instance, in Latin, there are as many as six different case distinctions for nouns. English nouns have very little variability of this kind; we must guard against attributing to English nouns as many ca ses as there are for Latin ones.(David J. Young, Introducing English Grammar. Hutchinson Education, 1984)The Vanished Case[A]ll nouns are said to be in the common caseâ€â€the grammarians way of pronouncing them caseless. His common means that the one form serves every possible useâ€â€subject, object of verb, indirect object, object of preposition, predicate complement, appositive, vocative, and even interjection. The grammarian is in effect asserting that case, except as it survives vestigially in a few pronouns, has disappeared from English. . . .Common case describes nothing and analyzes nothing. But grammar is essentially analytic; it names things not for the fun of having a nomenclature but so as to understand the relations of working parts. One can analyze an English sentence without using the word case; what matters is to know that a given word is subject or object, and of what it is the one or the other.(Wilson Follett, Modern American Usage, revised by Erik Wensberg. Hill and Wang, 1998)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Good Life Plato s Apology And Emerson s Self Reliance
The Good Life In Plato’s Apology and Emerson’s Self Reliance, the belief of the definition of a good life expresses in both pieces. In Apology, Plato tells a scene about a philosopher Socrates who is held for trial because his accusers accuse him of being an evil-doer, claim that he corrupts the youth, and a curious person who makes the worse appear better. Socrates of course disagrees with the accusers and claims that his accuser’s aren’t wise and are investing their time by spreading rumors of what is wrong with him rather than fixing themselves by feeding their souls with knowledge. Similarly in Emerson’s Self Reliance, Emerson expresses his ideas on how a wise individual should devote their life into trusting themselves with their knowledge and not go with what the majority believe in. Although Socrates states that the unwise are the ones who assume they are wise can contradict with Emerson’s idea in believing in yourself because too muc h faith can lead to ignorance by not taking in more knowledge that’s around you, I claim that Socrates agrees with Emerson’s notion of self- reliance which leads to the good life because both talk about pursuing the good life means to pursue knowledge. Ignorance tends to play a big role when it comes to claiming knowledge. Often times people think that the amount of knowledge they have is enough and that it is unnecessary to expand it. In regard to people who think they know something when they don’t, Socrates says, â€Å"For they do notShow MoreRelatedPlato s Apology And Ralph Waldo Emerson s On Self Reliance1559 Words  | 7 PagesThrough Plato’s Apology and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s â€Å"Self-Reliance†both contend that living an unexamined life is living a life of ignorance and futility. On the other hand, living an examined life is living an enlightened life full of intelligence. I agree with Plato and Emerson’s similar ideas t hat without knowledge, life as it is, is not worth living. They both argue that having personal beliefs creates an intelligent society. Having knowledge allows for one to set goals and objectives to achieveRead MoreCleanth Brookss Essay Irony as a Principle of Structure9125 Words  | 37 PagesMarx’s system. On the contrary, our underlying premise here is the belief that in Marx’s theory and method the true method by which to understand society and history has finally been discovered. This method is historical through and through. It is self-evident, therefore, that it must be constantly applied to itself, and this is one of the focal points of these essays. At the same time this entails taking up a substantive position with regard to the urgent problems of the present; for according to
What Is Risk Stratification Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Accurate stratification of the hazard involved with the patient is a cardinal constituent in wellness attention appraisal of the procedural results.An increasing no of wellness attention organisations are acquiring dependant on the wellness attention appraisal through such plans as a agency for aid in doing patient risk-stratification determinations. The lone trouble persist that the procedure of outcome theoretical account development is both clip consuming and hard due to the preliminary phase. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Risk Stratification Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many techniques can be used for medical appraisal of hazard like patterning techniques ( logistic arrested development, unreal nervous web ( ANN ) , and Bayesian ) to quickly develop theoretical accounts for hazard stratifying patients. The lone difference is their method of analysis. The job pertains that none of the technique give accurate consequences or are or hundred per centum dependable. Thresholds are mark based research technique based on grounds that provides numerical marks for healthy development. Targets are derived by careful rating of the given literature on history of the instance surveies agree on a peculiar phenomenon. Assorted different bomber populations like Hazard stratification theoretical accounts can help clinicians in doing determinations on the topic of the demand for extra testing one time a preliminary clinical estimation has been performed. The American Society of Anaesthesiologists ( ASA ) classification of Physical Status was the first clinical manifestation developed to calculate hazard. Introduced in 1941, it was remodelled to its current signifier in 1962 [ 4 ] . Patients are categorized into one of 5 major categories based upon the presence and manifestations of attached medical upsets and whether exigency surgery is required. The public-service corporation of this index is limited by intra spectator incompatibility in evaluation and fluctuations in the prognostic power for postoperative enlistments. Disease Stage, Prevention, and The Care Management Process are correlated in a manner where at an initial phase the patient visits a GP based on early symptoms or hurt at this phase the practician accesses the patients intervention needs or suggest certain trials t the patient. At the following phase where after rating of the disease the future postulation is made on the demand of hospitalization and therefore the population is sorted into the religious orders required. On meeting a major disease where reoccurrence of disease or mortality is a status a set of rules for disease direction in performed by the practicians if hospitalization is required an operative demand arises instance direction under infirmary disposal is the concluding phase which may take to either complete intervention of the high hazard patient or mortality, complication or reoccurrence. Models are specified utilizing the PRISM modeling linguistic communication for the Reactive Modules formalism based on province alteration. Systems are described faculties arranged parallely for treating. Each faculty ‘s province is controlled by the assigned probabilistic guarded bids. The linguistic communication besides supports assorted procedure algebraic operations with agencies of planetary variables and synchronism. See the PRISM certification and illustration depository at [ 6 ] for more information. The PRISM model identifies strengths and failings in RHIS public presentation bridging the spreads hence found, taking to the sweetening of wellness system public presentation. Routine wellness information systems ( RHIS ) attempt record and present quality information about the wellness sector organisations. This information is so used as a usher to daily interventions, path modus operandi, rectifying the past consequences, and therefore increasing the answerability. But the information available in such instances falls short the ideal demands to bring forth high quality systems, informations quality may be low, intermediate procedures of informations other may non be, or directors and staff may hold limited cognition sing information public-service corporation and usage of systems, inducements to give attending to the direction of information system processes may be few. Looking narrowly at proficient issues such as informations aggregation forms we understand the troubles associated with bettering the RHIS systems through PRISM. Refined ways to place and use multiple, frequently aggressive, therapies to accomplish maximum malignant neoplastic disease control its indispensable to assist bad patient. Clinician can besides give these patients the option to inscribe in clinical tests that offer fresh therapies. Classification of patients into established and consistent hazard classs is besides of cardinal importance in doing comparings between patients in clinical databases. Sophisticated analytical instruments incorporate hazard grouping of similar preoperative clinic pathologic parametric quantities like pre-treatment serum PSA, biopsy mark and capacity parametric quantities, and medical tumor phase. Stiring research in the word picture of prostate malignant neoplastic disease may one twenty-four hours supply more accurate and individual-specific hazard appraisal. First introduced in 1966, Gleason mark was introduced to measure prostate malignant neoplastic disease. In many multivariate instances, the Gleason mark proves to be an independent forecaster of both diseased tumor phase and clip to biochemical return. Gleason class may be the most powerful preoperative predictive factor. Preoperative hazard tonss are a critical tool for hazard rating, cost-benefit analysis, and foreword of new tendencies. A series of mark systems have been developed to foretell mortality after executing an grownup bosom surgery these mark systems are based on patient derived informations, such as age, gender, and so forth, but there are considerable differences between tonss with respect to their design and cogency for bosom surgery with respect to their prognostic values and clinical pertinence for our patient population. Although most of the peculiar mark systems were first and first designed to foretell mortality, postoperative morbidity has been acknowledged as the major determiner of infirmary cost and quality of life after surgery. Therefore, we analyzed the selected hazard scores non merely with respect to their prognostic value for mortality, but for postoperative morbidity every bit good. Diabetess may be nowadays for up to 7 old ages before diagnosing early diagnosing, lifestyle alteration, and tight glycemic control are necessary to cut down complications ; nevertheless, these can non happen if diabetes remains undiagnosed. There is deficient grounds for or against everyday diabetes testing. Reason being the load and incommodiousness caused by fasting visits to run into the diagnostic Centres. Diabetess is normally diagnosed by fasting plasma glucose, values which require verification on a 2nd visit [ 7 ] . Opportunist programme for bad persons during unscheduled outpatient, pressing attention, or hospital visits may better rates of diagnosing. From the family interview informations, we analyzed information on self-reported age, sex, race/ethnicity, instruction, and income. While suppliers may take to utilize different tools for hazard stratification, the rule of deducing a low ( A ; lt ; 0.5 % ) , moderate ( 4 % to 5 % ) and high pre-test chance ( A ; gt ; 10 % ) could stay similar. [ 8 ] Prior studies of diabetes testing in community and clinical locales have yielded assorted consequences, frequently limited by low prevalence rates and hapless followup. Similar to any disease showing, patient attachment with collateral testing and subsequent therapy is critical to the successful execution. Additionally, the cost-effectiveness of timeserving diabetes testing is ill-defined and will necessitate farther probe. The proposed algorithm of hazard stratification relied on practical logical thinking and reading of the informations ; others may propose thresholds matching to different prognostic values, and cost effectivity analysis would farther clear up optimum thresholds for clinical pattern. Finally, this analysis provides a proposed algorithm, which, if validated, can function as a guideline for suppliers, but should non replace for sound clinical judgement for single patients. As disease direction plans have started maturating in size and capacity at that place exceeds an importance in the undertaking of warranting their disbursal by showing fiscal. It is no longer sufficient to support a plan based on an illustrated ROI. Insurers and investors seek in bend the factual relevancy, about which members are being identified, the hence taken intercessions that can perchance be applied to them with most effectivity, and which approach leads to genuine public presentation alteration and nest eggs. These demands for informations will merely magnify in the hereafter, which will take to insurance companies and plan designers deriving extra concern about economic optimisation of disease direction attempts. Intensive hazard profiling, prognostic modeling and stratification will be therefore mandatory demands on the portion of all who are involved in plan design and executing. [ 2 ] Hazard stratification and prognostic modeling applications are used in a assortment of disease province categorization systems derived utilizing claims informations. Algorithms based merely on pharmaceutics claims have the recompense of seasonableness, hygiene, and handiness, while still being robust and efficient in the anticipation of prospective health care results and the costs relative to their incorporated curative and pharmaceutics opposite numbers. How to cite What Is Risk Stratification Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Friday, April 24, 2020
Why Good Girls Like Bad Boys Essay Example
Why Good Girls Like Bad Boys Essay Application Paper Why Good Girls like bad boys? Just about every woman at some point in her dating life will fall for a bad boy. For example there’s Edward and Bella from the Twilight Series and there’s Uncle Jesse from Full House. A bad boy is a thug, a roughneck and a rebel without a cause or he could be the nice guy next door who’s smooth as silk, but deep down inside he’s a cold hearted person. Bad boys are the type of guys your mom warns you about but because they’ve got thug appeal your common sense goes out the window. If you ask most females why they like bad boys it’s because they like the challenge, the excitement and the thrill of living vicariously. According to evolutionary reasoning, the isolation of male and female species is not to mate but due to their reactions to each other. This occurs in many animals because the female animal becomes attracted to the male animal that stands out the most of all the other males. For example peacock’s spread their wings making themselves more vulnerable to predators as a sort of way to attract the opposite sex. Peacock’s are risking their lives which show how strong and dedicated they are towards standing out and being above all the other peacocks. Women find security, resources, and signs of commitment and long-term mates attractive while men find youth, fertility, and chastity and short-term mates attractive. Distance is also a major factor for women and even animals whether it’s close or faraway. For a typical bad boy and a good girl it is usually the good girl who really wants to make the first approach but doesn’t because she’s afraid of what he may think of her. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Good Girls Like Bad Boys specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why Good Girls Like Bad Boys specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why Good Girls Like Bad Boys specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And for the bad boy he just continues to stand out but if neither one is able to approach the other then the attraction would just end at that. I believe that there is four reasons why good girls like bad boys. The first one is the secret fear of intimacy. If a girl is attracted to guys who they cannot really have it is because they don’t want a real relationship. Girls find a bad boy so appealing because they can be with him without ever letting him get too close. This is related to the attachment theory. Because these girls haven’t had a father figure in their life they have an anxious/ambivalent attachment to the guy. This is because the girl is characterized by a concern that others will not reciprocate one’s desire for intimacy. Secondly, it could be that it’s a subconscious wish to bring daddy back home. As you already know the relationship you had with your father shapes the relationships you will have with other males. Growing up without a father or if he father wasn’t emotionally available can be a girls reason for wanting to find someone who can fill that void. The third reason is low self esteem. If a girl is in a relationship with a guy who lies, cheats, talks down to them, then they do not feel good about themselves. When people feel good about themselves they set standards about what they want in life. Lastly, is media brainwashing. The media has brainwashed so many people in our society. For example, the Jerry Springer Show or the latest music videos, in these you can see how the media portrays the bad boy image as every girl’s dream. Popular television and music videos try to make you believe that it is acceptable for guys to disrespect females and reduce them as sex objects and nothing more. In class we read an experiment, Dutton Aron Experiment: Some Evidence for Heightened Sexual Attraction Under Conditions of High Anxiety. The experiment showed that fear and arousal are linked. The same part of the brain is activated, the amygdala. There was an experimental bridge which was a small, rickety ridge that easily swayed and was located 230 feet above a shallow river with pointed rocks. Then there was also a control bridge which was a much wider, more stable, and stronger bridge which was located 10 feet above a relatively safe looking river. Males who crossed either bridge were approached by an attractive female and asked to fill out a questionnaire. The males were then given the female’s phone number. The attraction was measured by how many males called the females. On the experimental bridge 50% of the males called the female and on the control bridge 12% of the males called the female. Bad boys are seen as rebels: they get into fights, ride motorcycles, have enemies, etc. and being with fearful men creates fear and anxiety, which leads to arousal.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Free Essays on Logical And Critical Thinking
Have you ever noticed that there are some individuals who always seem to have the best solution to any problem? If they are believers in critical thinking this may just be the case? â€Å"Critical thinking is the careful, deliberate determination of whether we should accept, reject or suspend judgment about a claim and of the degree of confidence with which we accept or reject it.†(Moore & Parker, p.6) Critical thinking is a process used to come to the most logical of conclusions to a problem. When we choose to think critically, we have decided to perform a process that will allow us to come to the most informed and logical of conclusions and not simply accept the opinions of someone else. Assumption, perception, emotion, language, argument, fallacies, and logic, are some of the processes used in critical thinking. It takes great effort and persistence for one to come to a logical conclusion. Our personal experiences and views may assist us in the decision making process, but in reality they would most likely hinder the use of logic and informative information when making decisions. To successfully implement critical thinking we must first be aware of our perceptual blocks to effectively perform our perceptual process. Perceptual Blocks â€Å"Who we are is how we think. Where and how we were raised may determine whether we are pessimists or optimists, conservatives or liberals, atheists or theists, idealists or realists. Our upbringing shapes our fears, which keep us from facing thoughts. It shapes our self-concept, which moves us to defend our thoughts. And it shapes our emotions, which can distort our thinking to an exceptional degree.†(Kirby, Goodpaster and Levine, p. 13) Whenever I am thinking, I am taping into all that formulates me into the person that I am. If I were using the processes of critical thinking correctly I would be accessing information, past experiences, beliefs, preferences,... Free Essays on Logical And Critical Thinking Free Essays on Logical And Critical Thinking Have you ever noticed that there are some individuals who always seem to have the best solution to any problem? If they are believers in critical thinking this may just be the case? â€Å"Critical thinking is the careful, deliberate determination of whether we should accept, reject or suspend judgment about a claim and of the degree of confidence with which we accept or reject it.†(Moore & Parker, p.6) Critical thinking is a process used to come to the most logical of conclusions to a problem. When we choose to think critically, we have decided to perform a process that will allow us to come to the most informed and logical of conclusions and not simply accept the opinions of someone else. Assumption, perception, emotion, language, argument, fallacies, and logic, are some of the processes used in critical thinking. It takes great effort and persistence for one to come to a logical conclusion. Our personal experiences and views may assist us in the decision making process, but in reality they would most likely hinder the use of logic and informative information when making decisions. To successfully implement critical thinking we must first be aware of our perceptual blocks to effectively perform our perceptual process. Perceptual Blocks â€Å"Who we are is how we think. Where and how we were raised may determine whether we are pessimists or optimists, conservatives or liberals, atheists or theists, idealists or realists. Our upbringing shapes our fears, which keep us from facing thoughts. It shapes our self-concept, which moves us to defend our thoughts. And it shapes our emotions, which can distort our thinking to an exceptional degree.†(Kirby, Goodpaster and Levine, p. 13) Whenever I am thinking, I am taping into all that formulates me into the person that I am. If I were using the processes of critical thinking correctly I would be accessing information, past experiences, beliefs, preferences,...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Object and Opt-out on Moral or Religious Grounds
Object and Opt-out on Moral or Religious Grounds Hashtag: #HDPyasambildirgesi (HDP Declaration of Life) Object and Opt-out on Moral or Religious Grounds Non-recognition of the right to conscientious objection is an enduring and highly controversial issue in Turkey and recently, HDP (Haklarm Demokratik Partisi), the country’s leading opposition party promised to legalize it if their candidates win the June 2015 parliamentary election. Conscientious objection or CO according to UN Commission on Human Rights is the right of every individual to object on grounds of conscience but a number of states such as Turkey are unwilling to recognize it as an important human right. Conscience or our sense of right or wrong is in effect the core features of a person’s moral and spiritual identity. Normally, people refused participation or involvement in something because it is against their moral and religious principles. For example, some people refused to participate in war because of their deeply embedded moral, ethical, or religious belief that killing another human being is wrong. Note that personal code, political, sociological, philosophical, psychological, and other pragmatic reasons are not accepted the basis for a conscientious objection. Students at public or government-subsidized private schools are free to attend religion classes but they can also choose not to and exercise their right to conscientious objection on moral or religious grounds. The right to object is also applicable to a vast range of issues such as oath taking, compulsory patriotic exercises, school curricula, and others that may be easily granted due schools’ obligation to satisfy its neutrality obligation. For instance, a student’s objecting on a culturally impartial and race discriminating curriculum may be allowed to opt-out or exempt him from course requirements. However, similar to conscientious objection to military service, ritual practice, living arrangement, and others, the objection made on moral or religious grounds should pass the test of sincerity. Want to know more? Go here: Womens Right to Education Relieving Students School-Related Stress Developing Students Creativity and Self-Expression Smoking in Public Places Should Be Banned The Misdemeanors of Well-Educated People in Public Office Testing the Sincerity of the Conscience Most educational institutions have formal policies permitting students at all levels to exercise their right to conscientious objection. In medical schools, for instance, students are allowed to use alternatives if testing of certain laboratory animals such as mice, dog, cats, rabbits, and others violates their conscience. In the United States, the right to conscientious objection to dissection in educational projects is guaranteed by law and school policies authorizing teachers to cooperate and develop an acceptable alternative with their students. The right to conscientious objection is potentially vulnerable to abuse such as avoiding the arduous training and danger associated with military service. It is, therefore, necessary to ascertain whether the objection is actually based on conscience rather than personal code or philosophy in life. A student exercising the right to conscientious objection and opting-out of a religious education class must clearly demonstrate that attending such class violates his or her conscience. For instance, the right may be granted if the student is a member of another religious group or verifiable evidence of a religious conviction that receiving religious teaching other than their own preacher or priest is a sin. Similarly, a student’s conscientious objection on racially discriminating and culturally impartial curriculum must be accompanied by strong conviction or proof of sincere and meaningful and enduring belief that is contradictory to that of the curriculum.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Development Of Cities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Development Of Cities - Assignment Example Through this development, the region became an early center of civilization. Rivers among other geographical features played a very important role in consolidating people together so that they could engage in economic activities. According to Robert Braidwood, â€Å"most historians and anthropologists point to agricultural revolution†¦ as the central development in this transformation to civilization.†In another instance, the Nile was also a landmark geographical feature that facilitated early civilization in Egypt. The Hymn to the Nile provides first-hand information of how the Egyptians perceived the Nile and the relationship that their relationship with their deity. These aspects made people come together hence the development of the early centers of civilization. Apart from geographical factors, other influential factors made it possible for early civilization to be achieved. The political leadership played a pivotal role in the consolidating people together for a common objective. This can be viewed through the modern management systems, organizations that have good management are able to outdo those that are mismanaged. For example in Egypt, the Pharaoh was a very influential leader in this early center of civilization. As documented in the Hymn to the Pharaoh, the people demonstrated allegiance and commitment to their leadership. They heaped praise and demonstrated their contentment to the pharaoh through the hymn. The artwork has revealed several of the ancient civilizations. For example, ‘The Royal Standard of Ur’ helps in realizing that aspects of peace and war dominated in the course of early civilization. The availability of peace is an indicator that people will have the freedom to live whatever they wanted and do whatever pleased them.Â
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Leading change at Corus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Leading change at Corus - Essay Example Leadership effort must therefore support and build organization members particularly employees to understand leadership agenda in managing change and play their role within the sphere of their activities (Black & Hal 2002, p. 91). Implementing change sometimes require sense of urgency. Of great importance is to understand change, drivers and barriers of change and identify strategies and initiatives geared towards leading change effectively. This study explores and examines changes that have occurred at Corus, how the company has managed them, barriers that have been faced concerning change and reasons for the changes. Corus Tata Steel Group is world’s sixth largest producer of steel. Corus forms part of the group in Europe being the second largest producer of steel in Europe with approximately  £12 billion annual revenue. Corus produces over 20 million tons annually in U.K. and in Netherlands. The company has global network of service centres and sales offices employing about 42,000 staff across globe (Corus, 2010). Corus has been a leader in supplying steel to various markets across the globe. Long Products Business is Corus’ business unit that manufactures steel in France, Scotland and England. The three units produce various steel products that range from wire rod to steel plate to steel rail. Key markets for the Long Products Business include engineering, construction, mining, machinery, earthmoving equipments, fastening, rail and ship building. Continuous improvement gives business a competitive advantage enabling it to stick ahead of its competitors and also increase market share. Good use of experience and skills enables organizations to enhance better products and processes. In the context of Corus, the company uses continuous improvement to drive new and innovative products development and meet customers’ needs (Corus, 2010). Continuous improvement practices have enabled Corus to solve problems that face its steel works and win great contracts. Continuous improvement practices coupled with the dynamic market environment gives forth to new products development and changes in the business process across the company’s divisions and department. Corus is thus challenge to come up with a way of managing the inevitable change. External environment operated in keeps on changing and businesses are challenged to respond on time and appropriately to the changes faced in order to secure their competitiveness. Change management requires support from various business stakeholders including management, employees, shareholders and suppliers among others. Suc h cooperation ensures that the changes made remain embedded to the shaping of the firm. In the context of Corus, the company launched a culture plan through the Corus Strip Products or the CSP team in UK (Corus, 2010). This plan focused on change management and was dubbed ‘The Journey’. The aims of the company were to address wide business challenges and how people carried out work. The plan focused on beliefs and values of the organization members as well as suppliers and partners. The eight core values defined by the plan guides Corus and offer its members the guiding principles. CSP Journey outlined behaviours and values that Corus expected members to follow and encouraged them to remain accountable. Some of the issues the plan aimed at eliminating included tragic accidents occurring on site among other safety and health issues. CSP Journey underpins the company’s culture and has given Corus U.K. a positive approach.
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Effectiveness of a Multicultural and Bilingual Education Essay
The Effectiveness of a Multicultural and Bilingual Education 1 There is a lot of controversy concerning our public educational programs. Opinions and lifestyles differ; [-- often] Often what is beneficial for one group of people is counterproductive for another group. Educational issues are complex and sensitive; [-- therefore] Therefore, we must analyze both sides of the issue before we make a decision. Two controversial issues in today's public educational program are multicultural and bilingual education. 2 Some experts believe there are many benefits we, as Americans, can experience in a multicultural education. James A Banks states; "An education that reflects the experiences of a nation across its racial, gender and socioeconomic boundaries-benefits all students." (96) [This is from the book editor, not from Banks.] Banks is a professor and director of the Center for Multicultural Education at the University of Washington in Seattle. [Put this before the quotation.] He also believes that an important goal should be to educate students so they can participate successfully in the workforce and in their civic communities to help the nation actualize ideals such as justice, equality and freedom (Banks 97). Studies show that student participation and test scores are increased when taught with group-oriented strategies consistent with their community cultures. Research indicates [whose authority?] students from diverse ethnic backgrounds do better in school when they have a better un derstanding of each other?s cultures (Banks 99). 3 Gena Dagel Caponi associate professor of American Studies at the University of Texas in San Antonio states; "Studying any one part of us does not divide us, it educates us. Occ... ...reenhaven Press Inc. 2000. 101-102. Chavez, Linda. "The Dangers Of Multiculturalism." Reprinted in: Williams, Mary E. ed. Are Multicultural Approaches Good For Education? Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego. Greenhaven Press Inc. 2000. 106. Chavez, Linda. "Bilingual Education Is A Failure." Reprinted in: Williams, Mary E. ed. Are Multicultural Approaches Good For Education? Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego. Greenhaven Press Inc. 2000. 130-134. ["Bilingual" goes before "Dangers"] Famularo, Thomas J. "Multicultural Education Is Counterproductive." Reprinted in: Williams, Mary E. ed. Are Multicultural Approaches Good For Education? Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego. 2000. 103-108. Garcia, Ofelia. "Bilingual Education Is Beneficial." Reprinted in: Williams, Mary E. ed. Are Multicultural Approaches Good For Education? Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego. 2000. 126-129.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Common App Essay Essay
How to Write a Common App Essay Entering a college calls for persistence, curiosity, articulation and talent. A common application essay will make it possible to reveal all your talents, background and acquired knowledge. Every student should be well aware of how to write such types of papers. As a rule, there is no difference for the teachers what topic you are going to choose. The only thing that really matters is that your topic is meaningful to you. How to Start a Common App Essay Starting to write such an essay is rather easy. All you need to do is focus on your keen interests, likes, preferences and talents. The term paper is not about boasting your skills or showing off. Yet, you need to point out your key advantages and background on a particular topic. Therefore, choosing an interest style of talking about yourself, basically, selling yourself is of great significance. Common App Essay Topics and Examples Describe a person you admire. Why do you want to attend this school? What is a book you love? What is an extracurricular activity that has been meaningful to you? What is your favorite sport? Who is your favorite author? Who is your favorite actor? Who is your favorite politician? How does a failure affect you? Compare decisions you made while challenging a belief Discuss a formal event Discuss an informal event Share your background What subjects are you good at? Who affects your actions in family? What is your favorite art form? Describe your ideal lecture How will you make friends with your classmates? What is the most defining event in your life? What can influence your choice? Common App Essay Outline and Format A common app essay does not have a strict outline. Nevertheless, it is supposed to be well-organized and structured. Use a traditional outline featuring such defined sections as: Introduction Body Paragraph Conclusion Read more at: Â Â Â dcjk
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Theory Of Cultural Relativism - 935 Words
The thought of eating toasted ants, fried frog legs, monkey brains, puppies and kittens is disturbing in the culture that I am used to. However, it is justifiably in many cultures out there; therefore in that case, my opinion is indeed relative. Cultural relativism is the view that individual beliefs and values systems are culturally relative. That is, no one ethnic group has the right to say that their particular system of beliefs and values is in any way better than anyone else’s system of beliefs and values. What may be right for one culture might be wrong for another. There is no absolute standard of right and wrong by which to compare and contrast morally conflicting cultural values. We cannot possibly understand the actions of other groups including their eating habits if we analyze them in terms of our own motives, and values. We must interpret their behavior in the light of their motives, and values if we are to understand them (Hunt, 2004). The theory of cultural relativism can be used to explain why the functionalist theory is applied to certain societies; the activities that they perform are done so because they are regarded as important and necessary according to the different values of each society. If we combine these two ideas, we are able to see that both the Functionalist and cultural relativist theories centered around the fact that the people of societies perform their activities and behave in the ways that they do because these actions and thoughtsShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Cultural Moral Relativism1627 Words  | 7 PagesMichael Atefi Professor Walker Phil-1020 29 September 2015 First Exam 1.) The theory of cultural moral relativism is based on the beliefs that it is arrogant to judge the moral codes of other cultures and that people should be tolerant towards the practices of other cultures (Rachels 19). By holding these beliefs, the theory implies that all cultures are equal and should be treated as such. 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The concepts of Devine Command theory, Utilitarian Ethical theory, Kantian Ethics, and Cultural Relativism align with my personal values, character and belief system; which is the foundation of my professional and personal decision making process. Devine Command theory was established based on Christian values from the biblical perspective thatRead MoreCultural Relativism Is An Important Ethical Theory And James Rachels Argument1091 Words  | 5 Pages Cultural Relativism is an important ethical theory and James Rachels’ argument is significant to provide evidence to prove and disprove the idea. It is important to call attention to and understand differences between cultures. Tolerance is also an valid concept when arguing Cultural Relativism. Regardless of the outcome or viewpoint of the argument it is significant in the fact that it raises awareness for tolerance and differences between cultures and that no culture is more superior or more correctRead MoreThe Elements Of Moral Philosophy1407 Words  | 6 Pagespositives and negatives regarding the concept of cultural relativism, but his overall position is that cultural relativism is not a strong philosophy. On the flip side of that Immanuel Kant has a complete ly different ethical theory that is based around deontology. Despite its positives, cultural relativism cannot be defended against Rachels’ criticism, but Kant’s ethical theory cannot necessarily defeat cultural relativism either. Cultural Relativism is the idea that moral practices and social normsRead MoreThe Challenges Of Cultural Relativism And Ethical Egoism1659 Words  | 7 PagesChallenges of Cultural Relativism†and â€Å"Ethical Egoism.†There is an important distinction that can be made between cultural moral relativism and individual moral relativism, but ultimately their meanings rejoin. The distinction does allow individual moral relativism to be compared to ethical egoism. Both theories begin by being centered around the individual, before they diverge in important ways. By exploring the way individual moral relativism compares with cultural moral relativism and moral egoismRead MoreThe Fundamental Claim of Cultural Relativism Essay example1270 Words  | 6 PagesCultural relativism is an axiom to which some individuals use to govern if an act is morally wrong or right. It is considered a subspecies of the theory of moral relativism as it essentially follows the same path but just considers a more narrow approach. Putting Schafer-Landau’s Argument from disagreement into context for cultural relativism, looks to disprove the theory, however I will demonstrate how it is flawed. Schafer-Landau’s Argument from disagreement states: P1: If well informed, open minded
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